Local Learning Abstraction: Trainer

FederatedScope decouples the local learning process and details of FL communication and schedule, allowing users to freely customize local learning algorithm via the trainer. Each worker holds a trainer object to manage the details of local learning, such as the loss function, optimizer, training step, evaluation, etc.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • The structure of Trainer used in FederatedScope;
  • How the Trainer maintains attributes and how to extend new attributes?
  • How the Trainer maintains learning behaviors and how to extend new behaviors?
  • How to extend Trainer to learn with more than one internal model?

Trainer Structure

A typical machine learning process consists of the following procedures:

  1. Preparing datasets and pre-extracting data mini-batches
  2. Iterations over training datasets to update the model parameters
  3. Evaluation the quality of learned model on validation/evaluation datasets
  4. Saving, loading, and monitoring the model and intermediate results


As the figure shows, in FederatedScope Trainer, these above procedures are provided with high-level routines abstraction, which are made up of Context class and several pluggable Hooks.

  • The Context class is used to holds learning-related attributes, including data, model, optimizer and etc. We will introduce more details in next Section.
    self.ctx = Context(model,
  • The Hooks represent fine-grained learning behaviors at different point-in-times, which provides a simple yet powerful way to customize learning behaviors with a few modifications and easy re-use of fruitful default hooks. More details about the behavior customization are in following Section. ```python HOOK_TRIGGER = [ “on_fit_start”, “on_epoch_start”, “on_batch_start”, “on_batch_forward”, “on_batch_backward”, “on_batch_end”, “on_epoch_end”, “on_fit_end” ] self.hooks_in_train = collections.defaultdict(list)

    By default, use the same trigger keys

    self.hooks_in_eval = copy.deepcopy(self.hooks_in_train) self.hooks_in_ft = copy.deepcopy(self.hooks_in_train)

register necessary hooks into self.hooks_in_train and


if not only_for_eval: self.register_default_hooks_train() if self.cfg.finetune.before_eval: self.register_default_hooks_ft() self.register_default_hooks_eval()

## Trainer Behaviors

### Routines

- Besides the common I/O procedures `save_model` and `load_model`, FederatedScope trainer uses the `update` function to load the model from FL clients.

- For the train/eval/validate procedures, FederatedScope implements them via calling a general `_run_routine` with different datasets, hooks_set and running mode.

def _run_routine(self, mode, hooks_set, dataset_name=None)

  - We decouple the learning process with several fine-grained point-in-time and calling all registered hooks at specific point-in-times as follows

    def _run_routine(self, mode, hooks_set, dataset_name=None):
        """Run the hooks_set and maintain the mode
            mode: running mode of client, chosen from train/val/test
            Considering evaluation could be in ```hooks_set["on_epoch_end"]```, there could be two data loaders in
        self.ctx, we must tell the running hooks which data_loader to call and which num_samples to count
        for hook in hooks_set["on_fit_start"]:


        for hook in hooks_set["on_fit_end"]:

        return self.ctx.num_samples

    def _run_epoch(self, hooks_set):
        for epoch_i in range(self.ctx.get(f"num_{self.ctx.cur_split}_epoch")):
            self.ctx.cur_epoch_i = CtxVar(epoch_i, "epoch")

            for hook in hooks_set["on_epoch_start"]:


            for hook in hooks_set["on_epoch_end"]:

    def _run_batch(self, hooks_set):
        for batch_i in range(self.ctx.get(f"num_{self.ctx.cur_split}_batch")):
            self.ctx.cur_batch_i = CtxVar(batch_i, LIFECYCLE.BATCH)

            for hook in hooks_set["on_batch_start"]:

            for hook in hooks_set["on_batch_forward"]:

            for hook in hooks_set["on_batch_backward"]:

            for hook in hooks_set["on_batch_end"]:

            # Break in the final epoch
            if self.ctx.cur_mode in [MODE.TRAIN, MODE.FINETUNE] and self.ctx.cur_epoch_i == self.ctx.num_train_epoch - 1:
                if batch_i >= self.ctx.num_train_batch_last_epoch - 1:

### Hooks 
  - We implement fruitful default hooks to support various training/evaluation processes, such as [personalized FL behaviors](/docs/pfl/#demonstration), [graph-task related behaviors](/docs/graph/#develop-federated-gnn-algorithms), [privacy-preserving behaviors](/docs/privacy-attacks/#2-usage-of-attack-module). 

  - Each hook takes the learning `context` as input and performs the learning actions such as 

      - prepare model and statistics
    def _hook_on_fit_start_init(ctx):
        # prepare model and optimizer

        if ctx.cur_mode in [MODE.TRAIN, MODE.FINETUNE]:
            # Initialize optimizer here to avoid the reuse of optimizers
            # across different routines
            ctx.optimizer = get_optimizer(ctx.model,
            ctx.scheduler = get_scheduler(ctx.optimizer,

        # prepare statistics
        ctx.loss_batch_total = CtxVar(0., LIFECYCLE.ROUTINE)
        ctx.loss_regular_total = CtxVar(0., LIFECYCLE.ROUTINE)
        ctx.num_samples = CtxVar(0, LIFECYCLE.ROUTINE)
        ctx.ys_true = CtxVar([], LIFECYCLE.ROUTINE)
        ctx.ys_prob = CtxVar([], LIFECYCLE.ROUTINE)

    - calculate loss in forward stage
    def _hook_on_batch_forward(ctx):
        x, label = [_.to(ctx.device) for _ in ctx.data_batch]
        pred = ctx.model(x)
        if len(label.size()) == 0:
            label = label.unsqueeze(0)

        ctx.y_true = CtxVar(label, LIFECYCLE.BATCH)
        ctx.y_prob = CtxVar(pred, LIFECYCLE.BATCH)
        ctx.loss_batch = CtxVar(ctx.criterion(pred, label), LIFECYCLE.BATCH)
        ctx.batch_size = CtxVar(len(label), LIFECYCLE.BATCH)
     - update model parameters in backward stage
    def _hook_on_batch_backward(ctx):
        if ctx.grad_clip > 0:
        if ctx.scheduler is not None:
- To customize more trainer behaviors, users can reset and replace existing hooks, or register new hooks

  - Users can freely check the current hook set via print `trainer.hooks_in_train` and `trainer.hooks_in_eval`.

  - For delete case, users can either 1) reset all the hooks at a target point-in-time trigger; or 2) a specific hook by passing the target function name `hook_name `  in  train/eval hook set.

    def reset_hook_in_train(self, target_trigger, target_hook_name=None)
    def reset_hook_in_eval(self, target_trigger, target_hook_name=None)

  - For create case,  we allows registering a new hook at a target point-in-time trigger, and support 1) specifying a specific  positions (i.e., the order a hook called within the trigger set); or 2) inserting before or after a base hook

  def register_hook_in_train(self,
  • For update case, we provide functions to replace existing hook (by name) with a new_hook (function)

    def replace_hook_in_train(self, new_hook, target_trigger, target_hook_name)

Customized Data Preparation

  • We provide the data pre-processing operations in parse_data function, which parses the dataset and initializes the variables {}_data, {}_loader, and the counter num_{MODE}_data according to the types of datasets within data as follows.
    def parse_data(self, data):
        """Populate "{}_data", "{}_loader" and "num_{}_data" for different modes

        # TODO: more robust for different data
        init_dict = dict()
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            for mode in ["train", "val", "test"]:
                init_dict["{}_data".format(mode)] = None
                init_dict["{}_loader".format(mode)] = None
                init_dict["num_{}_data".format(mode)] = 0
                if data.get(mode, None) is not None:
                    if isinstance(data.get(mode), Dataset):
                        init_dict["{}_data".format(mode)] = data.get(mode)
                        init_dict["num_{}_data".format(mode)] = len(
                    elif isinstance(data.get(mode), DataLoader):
                        init_dict["{}_loader".format(mode)] = data.get(mode)
                        init_dict["num_{}_data".format(mode)] = len(
                    elif isinstance(data.get(mode), dict):
                        init_dict["{}_data".format(mode)] = data.get(mode)
                        init_dict["num_{}_data".format(mode)] = len(
                        raise TypeError("Type {} is not supported.".format(
            raise TypeError("Type of data should be dict.")
        return init_dict
  • To support customized dataset, please implement the function parse_data in the new trainer and initialize the following variables.
    • {train/test/val}_data: the data object,
    • {train/test/val}_loader: the data loader object,
    • num_{train/test/val}_data: the number of samples within the dataset.

Trainer Context

Context class is an implementation of messager within the trainer. All variables within it can be called by ctx.{VARIABLE_NAME}.

As stated above, both the training and evaluation processes are consisted of independent hook functions, which only receive an instance of Context as the sole parameter. Therefore, the parameter ctx should

  • maintain the references of objects (e.g. model, data, optimizer),
  • provide running parameters (e.g. number of training epochs),
  • indicate the current operating status (e.g. train/test/validate) and the current selected data split (e.g. the train/test/validate split), and
  • maintain and manage statistical variables (e.g. loss, output, accuracy).

Maintain the References of Objects

During federated training and evaluation, Context needs to maintain some necessary objects, such as

  • model: The FL training/evaluation model,
  • data: The dataset used in FL training/evaluation,
  • device: The specific device, and
  • criterion: The specific loss function.

Note the above references of objects are all shared across different routines.

Provide running parameters

Some parameters are calculated within the routine, such as

  • the number of training/test/validate epochs,
  • the total number of training/test/valiate batches,
  • the number of the batches within the last training epoch,

For now, the above running parameters are calculated by the setup_vars function in Context.

def setup_vars(self):
    if self.cfg.backend == 'torch':
        self.trainable_para_names = get_trainable_para_names(self.model)
        self.criterion = get_criterion(self.cfg.criterion.type,
        self.regularizer = get_regularizer(self.cfg.regularizer.type)
        self.grad_clip = self.cfg.grad.grad_clip
    elif self.cfg.backend == 'tensorflow':
        self.trainable_para_names = self.model.trainable_variables()
        self.criterion = None
        self.regularizer = None
        self.optimizer = None
        self.grad_clip = None

    # Process training data
    if self.get('train_data', None) is not None or self.get(
            'train_loader', None) is not None:
        # Calculate the number of update steps during training given the
        # local_update_steps
        self.num_train_batch, self.num_train_batch_last_epoch, self.num_train_epoch, self.num_total_train_batch = calculate_batch_epoch_num(
            self.cfg.train.batch_or_epoch, self.num_train_data,
            self.cfg.data.batch_size, self.cfg.data.drop_last)

    # Process evaluation data
    for mode in ["val", "test"]:
        setattr(self, "num_{}_epoch".format(mode), 1)
        if self.get("{}_data".format(mode)) is not None or self.get(
                "{}_loader".format(mode)) is not None:
                self, "num_{}_batch".format(mode),
                getattr(self, "num_{}_data".format(mode)) //
                self.cfg.data.batch_size +
                int(not self.cfg.data.drop_last and bool(
                    getattr(self, "num_{}_data".format(mode)) %

Indicate the Current Operating Status and the Selected Dataset

The Context class uses two attributes to indicate the current operating status (cur_mode) and selected dataset (cur_split).


The value of cur_mode is selected among MODE.TRAIN, MODE.FINETUNE, MODE.TEST and MODE.VAL as follows. You can find the enum class in federatedscope/core/auxiliaries/enums.py.

class MODE:

        Currently StrEnum cannot be imported with the environment
        `sys.version_info < (3, 11)`, so we simply create a MODE class here.
    TRAIN = 'train'
    TEST = 'test'
    VAL = 'val'
    FINETUNE = 'finetune'

At the beginning of one routine, we will check cur_mode to

  • change the status of the models
    • execute model.train() if cur_mode equals MODE.TRAIN or MODE.FINETUNE, and
    • execute model.eval() if cur_mode equals MODE.TEST or MODE.VAL


The attribute cur_split indicates which part of dataset that the routine will use, and the printed metrics will be named with a cur_split prefix. In general setting, the dataset is divided into train, test and validate splits.

class MetricCalculator(object):
    def eval(self, ctx):
        results = {}
        y_true, y_pred, y_prob = self._check_and_parse(ctx)
        for metric, func in self.eval_metric.items():
                                   metric)] = func(ctx=ctx,

By default, the training routine will execute on the train split, and the evaluation routine will execute on the test and validate splits. However, you can also specify the split by the argument target_data_split_name.

def train(self, target_data_split_name="train", hooks_set=None):

def evaluate(self, target_data_split_name="test", hooks_set=None):

def finetune(self, target_data_split_name="train", hooks_set=None):

Maintain and Manage Statistical Variables

The statistical variables include average/total training/test loss, number of training/test samples and so on. Theoretically, the lifecycle of all the statistical variables should be within the routine. FederatedScope achieves automatic lifecycle management by a wrapper class CtxVar and a decorator @lifecycle.

The class CtxVar takes two arguments, where obj is the value of the statistical variable, and lifecycle is chosen from the enum class federatedscope.core.auxiliaries.enums.LIFECYCLE.

class CtxVar(object):
    """Basic variable class
        lifecycle: specific lifecycle of the attribute

    LIEFTCYCLES = ["batch", "epoch", "routine", None]

    def __init__(self, obj, lifecycle=None):
        assert lifecycle in CtxVar.LIEFTCYCLES
        self.obj = obj
        self.lifecycle = lifecycle

Taking the average loss as an example, you can initialize a statistical variable loss_total as follows,

def _hook_on_fit_start(ctx):
    ctx.loss_total = CtxVar(0., LIFECYCLE.ROUTINE)

LIFECYCLE.ROUTINE indicates the variable loss_total will be deleted automatically at the end of the routine.


  • The wrapper class CtxVar is only used to record the lifecycle and won’t influence the usage of the variable. e.g. in the above example type(ctx.loss_total) still equals float.

While the decorator @lifecycle(lifecycle) decides which variables will be deleted after running the decorated function. In the following example the variables created with CtxVar(xxx, LIFECYCLE.EPOCH) will be deleted after executing _run_epoch.

def _run_epoch(self, hooks_set):
    for epoch_i in range(self.ctx.get(f"num_{self.ctx.cur_split}_epoch")):
        self.ctx.cur_epoch_i = CtxVar(epoch_i, "epoch")

        for hook in hooks_set["on_epoch_start"]:


        for hook in hooks_set["on_epoch_end"]:


  • The users can also manage the variables all by themselves. However, you must check the lifecycle of the record varibales carefully, and release them once they are not used. An unreleased variable may cause memory leakage during federated learning. Feel free to implement your own algorithm in FederatedScope!

Multi-model Trainer

Several learning methods may leverage multiple models in each client such as clustering based method [1] and multi-task learning based method [2], FederatedScope implements the MultiModelTrainer class to meet this requirement.

  • We instantiate multiple models, optimizer objects & hook_sets as lists for MultiModelTrainer. Different internal models can have different hook_sets and optimizers to support diverse multi-model based methods

    # -> self.ctx.models = [...]  
    # -> self.ctx.optimizers = [...]
    # -> self.hooks_in_train_multiple_models = [...]
    # -> self.hooks_in_eval_multiple_models = [...]
  • To enable easy extension, we support copy initialization from a single-model trainer.

    # By default, the internal models & optimizers are the same type
    additional_models = [
        copy.deepcopy(self.ctx.model) for _ in range(self.model_nums - 1)
    self.ctx.models = [self.ctx.model] + additional_models
  • We can customized hooks and optimizers for multi-model interaction. Specifically, two types of internal model interaction mode are built in MultiModelTrainer .

    • # assert models_interact_mode in ["sequential", "parallel"]
      self.models_interact_mode = models_interact_mode
    • The sequential interaction mode indicates the interaction are conducted at run_routine level

      [one model runs its whole routine, then do sth. for interaction, then next model runs its whole routine]
      ... -> run_routine_model_i
      		-> _switch_model_ctx
          -> (on_fit_end, _interact_to_other_models)   
          -> run_routine_model_i+1
          -> ...
    • The parallel interaction mode indicates the interaction are conducted at point-in-time level

      [At a specific point-in-time, one model call hooks (including interaction), then next model call hooks]
      ... ->  (on_xxx_point, hook_xxx_model_i)
          ->  (on_xxx_point, _interact_to_other_models)
          ->  (on_xxx_point, _switch_model_ctx)
          ->  (on_xxx_point, hook_xxx_model_i+1)
          -> ...
    • Note that these two modes call _switch_model_ctx at different positions. By default, we will switch cur_model, and optimizer, and users can override this function to support customized switch logic

      def _switch_model_ctx(self, next_model_idx=None):
          if next_model_idx is None:
              next_model_idx = (self.ctx.cur_model_idx + 1) % len(
          self.ctx.cur_model_idx = next_model_idx
          self.ctx.model = self.ctx.models[next_model_idx]
          self.ctx.optimizer = self.ctx.optimizers[next_model_idx]


[1] Felix Sattler, Klaus-Robert Müller, and Wojciech Samek. “Clustered Federated Learning: Model-Agnostic Distributed Multitask Optimization Under Privacy Constraints”. In: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2020).

[2] Marfoq, Othmane, et al. “Federated multi-task learning under a mixture of distributions.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (2021).
