FS Data

FS Data Module

In the tutorial, you will learn how to use FS Data Module and the code structure is shown below:

├── auxiliaries
│   ├── data_builder
│   ├── dataloader_builder
│   ├── ...
├── data
│   ├── base_data
│   |   ├── ClientData
│   |   ├── StandaloneDataDict
│   ├── base_translator
│   ├── ...

We will discuss all the concepts of our FS data module from top to bottom.

The main entrance of FS data

federatedscope.core.auxiliaries.data_builder.get_data is the entrance functions to access built-in FS data. With the config appropriately set, you can easily get FS Data.

fs_data, modified_cfg = get_data(config=init_cfg.clone())

get_data consists of three steps:

  • Load Dataset
    • federatedscope.core.data.utils.load_dataset
    • Load local file to torch dataset
  • Translate data
    • federatedscope.core.data.BaseDataTranslator
    • Dataset -> ML split -> FL split -> FS Dataloader
  • Convert mode
    • federatedscope.core.data.utils.convert_data_mode
    • To adapt simulation mode and distributed mode

Data Translator

In FederatedScope, the input to Runner is ClientData (in distributed mode) or StandaloneDataDict (in standalone mode), which are both subclasses of python dict. So FederatedScope provides Data Translator to help you convert torch.utils.data.Dataset to our data format. Data Translator contains four steps, two of which are optional.

Dataset -> (ML split) -> (FL split) -> FS Dataloader

  • ML split(split_train_val_test):
    • Build train/val/test data split
  • FL split(split_to_client) (please see splitter for details):
    • Split global data into local data for each client.


In FederatedScope, each client will obtain a ClientData, which has the following attributes:

  • A subclass of dict with train, val and test.

  • Convert dataset/list/array to DataLoader.


    • # Instantiate client_data for each Client
      client_data = ClientData(PyGDataLoader, 
      # other_cfg with different batch size
      >> {'train': PyGDataLoader(train_data), 'test': PyGDataLoader(test_data)}


In standalone mode, the input to Runner is StandaloneDataDict, which is the return value of calling Data Translator. StandaloneDataDict has the following attributes:

  • A subclass of dict with client_id as keys:
    • {1: ClientData, 2: ClientData, ...}
  • Responsible for some pre-process for FS data:
    • Global evaluation: merge test data
    • Global training: merge all data into one client
    • Injected data attacks
