
FederatedScope provides a rich collection of datasets for researchers, including images, texts, graphs, recommendation systems and speeches. Our DataZoo contains real federation datasets as well as simulated federation datasets with a different splitter. And more datasets are coming soon!

To use our DataZoo, set = DATASET_NAME. Downloading and pre-processing of our datasets is automatic, and you do not need to perform additional operations. Please feel free to use it! For more dataset-related settings, please refer to each dataset.


Computer Vision

    FEMNIST is a federation image dataset from LEAF [1], and the task is image classification. The images are split by writers into clients. Moreover, you can set the sampling rate to sample from the clients via
    Statistics: 62 classes, 805263 images, about 3500 clients.
  • Celeba
    Celeba is a federation image dataset from LEAF [1], and the task is image classification.  The images are split by humans into clients. Moreover, you can set the sampling rate to sample from the clients via
    Statistics: 2 classes (smiling or not), 200288 images, about 9300 clients.

Natural Language Processing

  • Shakespeare
    Shakespeare is a federation text dataset of Shakespeare Dialogues from LEAF [1], and the task is next-character prediction. Moreover, you can set the sampling rate to sample from the clients via
    Statistics: 422615 sentences, about 1100 clients.
  • SubReddit
    SubReddit is a federation text dataset and subsampled of Reddit from LEAF [1], and the task is next-word prediction. Moreover, you can set the sampling rate to sample from the clients via
    Statistics: 216858 sentences, about 800 clients.
  • Sentiment140
    Sentiment140 is a federation text dataset of Twitter from LEAF [1], and the task is Sentiment Analysis. Moreover, you can set the sampling rate to sample from the clients via
    Statistics: 1600498 sentences, about 660000  clients.


For details of statistics, see FedGraph.

Node-level dataset

  • FedDBLP (including dblp_conf and dblp_org)
    FedDBLP is a federation citation network from the latest DBLP [2] dump, where each node corresponds to a published paper, and each edge corresponds to a citation. We use the bag-of-words of each paper’s abstract as its node attributes and regard the theme of paper as its label. To simulate the scenario that a venue or an organizer forbids others to cite its papers, we allow users to split this dataset by each node’s venue or the organizer of that venue.
  • FedcSBM
    FedcSBM from cSBM [3] can produce the synthetic graph dataset. For more details, see FedGraph.
  • FedCora, FedCiteSeer, FedPubMed
    FedCora, FedCiteSeer and FedPubMed are simulated federation datasets split from Cora [4], CiteSeer [5], PubMed [6] by community_splitter or random_splitter. For more details, see FedGraph.

  • Ciao
    Ciao [7] is a federation recommendation dataset from FedGraphNN, and its task is link classification. For more details, see FedGraph.
  • FedWN18, FedFB15K-237
    FedWN18 and FedFB15K-237 are simulated federation datasets split from WN18 and FB15K-237 [8] by label_space_splitter. For more details, see FedGraph.

Graph-level dataset

  • Multi-task dataset
    Multi_task dataset is a federation dataset contains several Sub-datasets named graph_multi_domain_mol, graph_multi_domain_small, graph_multi_domain_mix,  graph_multi_domain_biochem, and graph_multi_domain_molv1. In these datasets, each client holds some graphs from different domains from TUDataset [9], and their task is different from each other.
    • graph_multi_domain_mol: ‘MUTAG’, ‘BZR’, ‘COX2’, ‘DHFR’, ‘PTC_MR’, ‘AIDS’, ‘NCI1’
    • graph_multi_domain_small: ‘MUTAG’, ‘BZR’, ‘COX2’, ‘DHFR’, ‘PTC_MR’, ‘ENZYMES’, ‘DD’, ‘PROTEINS’
    • graph_multi_domain_mix: ‘MUTAG’, ‘BZR’, ‘COX2’, ‘DHFR’, ‘PTC_MR’, ‘AIDS’, ‘NCI1’, ‘ENZYMES’, ‘DD’, ‘PROTEINS’, ‘COLLAB’, ‘IMDB-BINARY’, ‘IMDB-MULTI’
    • graph_multi_domain_biochem: ‘MUTAG’, ‘BZR’, ‘COX2’, ‘DHFR’, ‘PTC_MR’, ‘AIDS’, ‘NCI1’, ‘ENZYMES’, ‘DD’, ‘PROTEINS’
    • graph_multi_domain_molv1: ‘MUTAG’, ‘BZR’, ‘COX2’, ‘DHFR’, ‘PTC_MR’, ‘AIDS’, ‘NCI1’, ‘Mutagenicity’, ‘NCI109’, ‘PTC_MM’, ‘PTC_FR’
  • FedHIV, FedProteins, FedIMDB
    FedHIV,  FedProteins and FedIMDB are simulated federation datasets split from HIV [10], Proteins [9], IMDB [9] by instance_space_splitter. For more details, see FedGraph.

Recommendation System

  • MovieLens
    MovieLens [11] is a series of movie recommendation datasets collected from the website MovieLens. To support different federated settings (VFL/HFL) and various datasets, all the MovieLens datasets inherit two parent classes VMFDataset and HMFDataset, which specific the splitting of MF datasets (VFL or HFL).

Audio and Speech

Coming soon…


  • Synthetic Mixture
    Synthetic_Mixture is a synthetic federated dataset from FedEM [12], and its task is binary classification. The data distribution of each client is the mixture of (M) underlying distributions.



To generate simulated federation datasets, we provide splitter who are responsible for dispersing a given standalone dataset into multiple clients, with configurable statistical heterogeneity among them.

For euclidean data:

  • random_splitter
    The data is randomly split into 𝑁 subsets with or without intersections.
  • label_space_splitter
    It is designed to provide label distribution skew via latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA).

For graph data:

  • Node-level task
    • community_splitter:
      Community detection algorithms such as Louvain are at first applied to partition a graph into several clusters.
    • random_splitter:
      The node-set of the original graph is randomly split into 𝑁 subsets with or without intersections.
  • Link-level task
    • label_space_splitter:
      It is designed to provide label distribution skew via latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA).
  • Graph-level task
    • instance_space_splitter:
      It is responsible for creating feature distribution skew (i.e., covariate shift).
    • multi_task_splitter:
      Different clients have different tasks.

How to use

For the built-in datasets, you can configure them via a .yaml file.

# Dataset related options
	# Root directory where the data stored
	root: 'data'
	# Dataset name
	type: 'femnist'
  # Batch_size for DataLoader
	batch_size: 64
  # Drop last batch of DataLoader
	drop_last: False
  # Shuffle the train DataLoader
	shuffle: True
  # Transforms of data
	transforms: ''
  # Subsample of total client
	subsample: 1.0
  # Train, valid, test splits
	splits: [0.6, 0.2, 0.2]
	# Splitter, if not simulated dataset, disabled.
  splitter: 'random'


[1] Caldas, Sebastian, et al. “Leaf: A benchmark for federated settings.” arXiv 2018.

[2] Tang, Jie, et al. “Arnetminer: extraction and mining of academic social networks.” SIGKDD 2008.

[3] Deshpande, Yash, et al. “Contextual stochastic block models.” NeurIPS 2018.

[4] McCallum, Andrew Kachites, et al. “Automating the construction of internet portals with machine learning.” Information Retrieval 2000

[5] Giles, C. Lee, Kurt D. Bollacker, and Steve Lawrence. “CiteSeer: An automatic citation indexing system.” Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Digital libraries. 1998.

[6] Sen, Prithviraj, et al. “Collective classification in network data.” AI magazine 2008.

[7] Tang, Jiliang, Huiji Gao, and Huan Liu. “mTrust: Discerning multi-faceted trust in a connected world.” WSDM 2012.

[8] Bordes, Antoine, et al. “Translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data.” NeurIPS 2013.

[9] Ivanov, Sergei, Sergei Sviridov, and Evgeny Burnaev. “Understanding isomorphism bias in graph data sets.” arXiv 2019.

[10] Wu, Zhenqin, et al. “MoleculeNet: a benchmark for molecular machine learning.” Chemical science 2018.

[11] Harper, F. Maxwell, and Joseph A. Konstan. “The movielens datasets: History and context.” Acm transactions on interactive intelligent systems 2015.

[12] Marfoq, Othmane, et al. “Federated multi-task learning under a mixture of distributions.” NeurIPS 2021.
