Source code for

from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from numpy.random import shuffle

import numpy as np

import collections
import importlib

    "vflmovielens1m": "VFLMovieLens1M",
    "vflmovielens10m": "VFLMovieLens10M",
    "hflmovielens1m": "HFLMovieLens1M",
    "hflmovielens10m": "HFLMovieLens10M",
    'vflnetflix': "VFLNetflix",
    'hflnetflix': "HFLNetflix"

[docs]def load_mf_dataset(config=None, client_cfgs=None): """Return the dataset of matrix factorization Format: { 'client_id': { 'train': DataLoader(), 'test': DataLoader(), 'val': DataLoader() } } """ if in MFDATA_CLASS_DICT: # Dataset if in ['vflnetflix', 'hflnetflix']: mpath = "" else: mpath = "" dataset = getattr(importlib.import_module(mpath), MFDATA_CLASS_DICT[])(, num_client=config.federate.client_num,[0], download=True) else: raise NotImplementedError("Dataset {} is not implemented.".format( data_dict = collections.defaultdict(dict) for client_idx, data in data_dict[client_idx] = data # Modify config config.merge_from_list(['model.num_user', dataset.n_user]) config.merge_from_list(['model.num_item', dataset.n_item]) return data_dict, config
[docs]class MFDataLoader(object): """DataLoader for MF dataset Args: data (csc_matrix): sparse MF dataset batch_size (int): the size of batch data shuffle (bool): shuffle the dataset drop_last (bool): drop the last batch if True theta (int): the maximal number of ratings for each user """ def __init__(self, data: csc_matrix, batch_size: int, shuffle=True, drop_last=False, theta=None): super(MFDataLoader, self).__init__() self.dataset = self._trim_data(data, theta) self.shuffle = shuffle self.batch_size = batch_size self.drop_last = drop_last self.n_row = self.dataset.shape[0] self.n_col = self.dataset.shape[1] self.n_rating = self.dataset.count_nonzero() self._idx_samples = None self._idx_cur = None self._reset()
[docs] def _trim_data(self, data, theta=None): """Trim rating data by parameter theta (per-user privacy) Arguments: data (csc_matrix): the dataset theta (int): The maximal number of ratings for each user """ if theta is None or theta <= 0: return data else: # Each user has at most $theta$ items dataset = data.tocoo() user2items = collections.defaultdict(list) for idx, user_id in enumerate(dataset.row): user2items[user_id].append(idx) # sample theta each idx_select = list() for items in user2items.values(): if len(items) > theta: idx_select += np.random.choice(items, theta, replace=False).tolist() else: idx_select += items dataset = coo_matrix( ([idx_select], (dataset.row[idx_select], dataset.col[idx_select])), shape=dataset.shape).tocsc() return dataset
def _reset(self): self._idx_cur = 0 if self._idx_samples is None: self._idx_samples = np.arange(self.n_rating) if self.shuffle: shuffle(self._idx_samples) def _sample_data(self, sampled_rating_idx): dataset = self.dataset.tocoo() data =[sampled_rating_idx] rows = dataset.row[sampled_rating_idx] cols = dataset.col[sampled_rating_idx] return (rows, cols), data def __len__(self): """The number of batches within an epoch """ if self.drop_last: return int(self.n_rating / self.batch_size) else: return int(self.n_rating / self.batch_size) + int( (self.n_rating % self.batch_size) != 0) def __next__(self, theta=None): """Get the next batch of data Args: theta (int): the maximal number of ratings for each user """ idx_end = self._idx_cur + self.batch_size if self._idx_cur == len( self._idx_samples) or self.drop_last and idx_end > len( self._idx_samples): raise StopIteration idx_end = min(idx_end, len(self._idx_samples)) idx_choice_samples = self._idx_samples[self._idx_cur:idx_end] self._idx_cur = idx_end return self._sample_data(idx_choice_samples) def __iter__(self): self._reset() return self