Source code for federatedscope.gfl.trainer.graphtrainer

import logging

from federatedscope.core.monitors import Monitor
from federatedscope.register import register_trainer
from federatedscope.core.trainers import GeneralTorchTrainer
from federatedscope.core.trainers.context import CtxVar
from federatedscope.core.trainers.enums import LIFECYCLE

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GraphMiniBatchTrainer(GeneralTorchTrainer):
[docs] def _hook_on_batch_forward(self, ctx): batch = pred = ctx.model(batch) # TODO: deal with the type of data within the dataloader or dataset if 'regression' in ctx.cfg.model.task.lower(): label = batch.y else: label = batch.y.squeeze(-1).long() if len(label.size()) == 0: label = label.unsqueeze(0) ctx.loss_batch = ctx.criterion(pred, label) ctx.batch_size = len(label) ctx.y_true = CtxVar(label, LIFECYCLE.BATCH) ctx.y_prob = CtxVar(pred, LIFECYCLE.BATCH)
[docs] def _hook_on_batch_forward_flop_count(self, ctx): if not isinstance(self.ctx.monitor, Monitor): logger.warning( f"The trainer {type(self)} does contain a valid monitor, " f"this may be caused by initializing trainer subclasses " f"without passing a valid monitor instance." f"Plz check whether this is you want.") return if self.cfg.eval.count_flops and self.ctx.monitor.flops_per_sample \ == 0: # calculate the flops_per_sample try: batch = from import Data if isinstance(batch, Data): x, edge_index = batch.x, batch.edge_index from fvcore.nn import FlopCountAnalysis flops_one_batch = FlopCountAnalysis(ctx.model, (x, edge_index)).total() if self.model_nums > 1 and ctx.mirrored_models: flops_one_batch *= self.model_nums logger.warning( "the flops_per_batch is multiplied by " "internal model nums as self.mirrored_models=True." "if this is not the case you want, " "please customize the count hook") self.ctx.monitor.track_avg_flops(flops_one_batch, ctx.batch_size) except: logger.warning( "current flop count implementation is for general " "GraphMiniBatchTrainer case: " "1) the ctx.model takes only batch = ctx.data_batch as " "input." "Please check the forward format or implement your own " "flop_count function") self.ctx.monitor.flops_per_sample = -1 # warning at the # first failure # by default, we assume the data has the same input shape, # thus simply multiply the flops to avoid redundant forward self.ctx.monitor.total_flops += self.ctx.monitor.flops_per_sample * \ ctx.batch_size
def call_graph_level_trainer(trainer_type): if trainer_type == 'graphminibatch_trainer': trainer_builder = GraphMiniBatchTrainer return trainer_builder register_trainer('graphminibatch_trainer', call_graph_level_trainer)