Source code for federatedscope.core.auxiliaries.model_builder

import logging
import numpy as np
import federatedscope.register as register

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from federatedscope.contrib.model import *
except ImportError as error:
        f'{error} in `federatedscope.contrib.model`, some modules are not '

def get_shape_from_data(data, model_config, backend='torch'):
    Extract the input shape from the given data, which can be used to build \
    the data. Users can also use `data.input_shape` to specify the shape.

        data (`ClientData`): the data used for local training or evaluation \

        shape (tuple): the input shape
    # Handle some special cases
    if model_config.type.lower() in ['vmfnet', 'hmfnet']:
        return data['train'].n_col if model_config.type.lower(
        ) == 'vmfnet' else data['train'].n_row
    elif model_config.type.lower() in [
            'gcn', 'sage', 'gpr', 'gat', 'gin', 'mpnn'
    ] or model_config.type.startswith('gnn_'):
        num_label = data['num_label'] if 'num_label' in data else None
        num_edge_features = data['data'][
            'num_edge_features'] if model_config.type == 'mpnn' else None
        if model_config.task.startswith('graph'):
            # graph-level task
            data_representative = next(iter(data['train']))
            return data_representative.x.shape, num_label, num_edge_features
            # node/link-level task
            return data['data'].x.shape, num_label, num_edge_features
    elif model_config.type.lower() in ['atc_model']:
        return None

    if isinstance(data, dict):
        keys = list(data.keys())
        if 'test' in keys:
            key_representative = 'test'
        elif 'val' in keys:
            key_representative = 'val'
        elif 'train' in keys:
            key_representative = 'train'
        elif 'data' in keys:
            key_representative = 'data'
            key_representative = keys[0]
            logger.warning(f'We chose the key {key_representative} as the '
                           f'representative key to extract data shape.')
        data_representative = data[key_representative]
        # Handle the data with non-dict format
        data_representative = data

    if isinstance(data_representative, dict):
        if 'x' in data_representative:
            shape = np.asarray(data_representative['x']).shape
            if len(shape) == 1:  # (batch, ) = (batch, 1)
                return 1
                return shape
    elif backend == 'torch':
        import torch
        if issubclass(type(data_representative),
            x, _ = next(iter(data_representative))
            if isinstance(x, list):
                return x[0].shape
            return x.shape
                x, _ = data_representative
                if isinstance(x, list):
                    return x[0].shape
                return x.shape
                raise TypeError('Unsupported data type.')
    elif backend == 'tensorflow':
        # TODO: Handle more tensorflow type here
        shape = data_representative['x'].shape
        if len(shape) == 1:  # (batch, ) = (batch, 1)
            return 1
            return shape

[docs]def get_model(model_config, local_data=None, backend='torch'): """ This function builds an instance of model to be trained. Arguments: model_config: ``cfg.model``, a submodule of ``cfg`` local_data: the model to be instantiated is responsible for the \ given data backend: chosen from ``torch`` and ``tensorflow`` Returns: model (``torch.Module``): the instantiated model. Note: The key-value pairs of built-in model and source are shown below: =================================== ============================== Model type Source =================================== ============================== ``lr`` ```` \ or ``cross_backends.LogisticRegression`` ``mlp`` ``core.mlp.MLP`` ``quadratic`` ``tabular.model.QuadraticModel`` ``convnet2, convnet5, vgg11`` ``cv.model.get_cnn()`` ``lstm`` ``nlp.model.get_rnn()`` ``{}@transformers`` ``nlp.model.get_transformer()`` ``gcn, sage, gpr, gat, gin, mpnn`` ``gfl.model.get_gnn()`` ``vmfnet, hmfnet`` \ ``mf.model.model_builder.get_mfnet()`` =================================== ============================== """ if model_config.type.lower() in ['xgb_tree', 'gbdt_tree', 'random_forest']: input_shape = None elif local_data is not None: input_shape = get_shape_from_data(local_data, model_config, backend) else: input_shape = model_config.input_shape if input_shape is None: logger.warning('The input shape is None. Please specify the ' '`data.input_shape`(a tuple) or give the ' 'representative data to `get_model` if necessary') for func in register.model_dict.values(): model = func(model_config, input_shape) if model is not None: return model if model_config.type.lower() == 'lr': if backend == 'torch': from import LogisticRegression model = LogisticRegression(in_channels=input_shape[-1], class_num=model_config.out_channels) elif backend == 'tensorflow': from federatedscope.cross_backends import LogisticRegression model = LogisticRegression(in_channels=input_shape[-1], class_num=1, use_bias=model_config.use_bias) else: raise ValueError elif model_config.type.lower() == 'mlp': from federatedscope.core.mlp import MLP model = MLP(channel_list=[input_shape[-1]] + [model_config.hidden] * (model_config.layer - 1) + [model_config.out_channels], dropout=model_config.dropout) elif model_config.type.lower() == 'quadratic': from federatedscope.tabular.model import QuadraticModel model = QuadraticModel(input_shape[-1], 1) elif model_config.type.lower() in ['convnet2', 'convnet5', 'vgg11']: from import get_cnn model = get_cnn(model_config, input_shape) elif model_config.type.lower() in [ 'simclr', 'simclr_linear', "supervised_local", "supervised_fedavg" ]: from import get_simclr model = get_simclr(model_config, input_shape) if model_config.type.lower().endswith('linear'): for name, value in model.named_parameters(): if not name.startswith('linear'): value.requires_grad = False elif model_config.type.lower() in ['lstm']: from federatedscope.nlp.model import get_rnn model = get_rnn(model_config, input_shape) elif model_config.type.lower().endswith('transformers'): from federatedscope.nlp.model import get_transformer model = get_transformer(model_config, input_shape) elif model_config.type.lower() in [ 'gcn', 'sage', 'gpr', 'gat', 'gin', 'mpnn' ]: from federatedscope.gfl.model import get_gnn model = get_gnn(model_config, input_shape) elif model_config.type.lower() in ['vmfnet', 'hmfnet']: from import get_mfnet model = get_mfnet(model_config, input_shape) elif model_config.type.lower() in [ 'xgb_tree', 'gbdt_tree', 'random_forest' ]: from federatedscope.vertical_fl.tree_based_models.model.model_builder \ import get_tree_model model = get_tree_model(model_config) elif model_config.type.lower() in ['atc_model']: from federatedscope.nlp.hetero_tasks.model import ATCModel model = ATCModel(model_config) else: raise ValueError('Model {} is not provided'.format(model_config.type)) return model
def get_trainable_para_names(model): return set(dict(list(model.named_parameters())).keys())