Source code for federatedscope.core.auxiliaries.data_builder

import logging

from importlib import import_module
from import RegexInverseMap, load_dataset, \
from federatedscope.core.auxiliaries.utils import setup_seed

import federatedscope.register as register

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from import *
except ImportError as error:
        f'{error} in ``, some modules are not '

# TODO: Add PyGNodeDataTranslator and PyGLinkDataTranslator
# TODO: move splitter to PyGNodeDataTranslator and PyGLinkDataTranslator
    'BaseDataTranslator': [
        '.*?@.*?', 'hiv', 'proteins', 'imdb-binary', 'bbbp', 'tox21', 'bace',
        'sider', 'clintox', 'esol', 'freesolv', 'lipo', 'cifar4cl', 'cifar4lp'
    'DummyDataTranslator': [
        'toy', 'quadratic', 'femnist', 'celeba', 'shakespeare', 'twitter',
        'subreddit', 'synthetic', 'ciao', 'epinions', '.*?vertical_fl_data.*?',
        '.*?movielens.*?', '.*?netflix.*?', '.*?cikmcup.*?',
        'graph_multi_domain.*?', 'cora', 'citeseer', 'pubmed', 'dblp_conf',
        'dblp_org', 'csbm.*?', 'fb15k-237', 'wn18', 'adult', 'abalone',
        'credit', 'blog'
    ],  # Dummy for FL dataset
    'RawDataTranslator': ['hetero_nlp_tasks'],

[docs]def get_data(config, client_cfgs=None): """Instantiate the data and update the configuration accordingly if necessary. Arguments: config: a cfg node object client_cfgs: dict of client-specific cfg node object Returns: The dataset object and the updated configuration. Note: The available ``data.type`` is shown below: ================================== =========================== Data type Domain ================================== =========================== FEMNIST CV Celeba CV ``${DNAME}@torchvision`` CV Shakespeare NLP SubReddit NLP Twitter (Sentiment140) NLP ``${DNAME}@torchtext`` NLP ``${DNAME}@huggingface_datasets`` NLP Cora Graph (node-level) CiteSeer Graph (node-level) PubMed Graph (node-level) DBLP_conf Graph (node-level) DBLP_org Graph (node-level) csbm Graph (node-level) Epinions Graph (link-level) Ciao Graph (link-level) FB15k Graph (link-level) FB15k-237 Graph (link-level) WN18 Graph (link-level) MUTAG Graph (graph-level) BZR Graph (graph-level) COX2 Graph (graph-level) DHFR Graph (graph-level) PTC_MR Graph (graph-level) AIDS Graph (graph-level) NCI1 Graph (graph-level) ENZYMES Graph (graph-level) DD Graph (graph-level) PROTEINS Graph (graph-level) COLLAB Graph (graph-level) IMDB-BINARY Graph (graph-level) IMDB-MULTI Graph (graph-level) REDDIT-BINARY Graph (graph-level) HIV Graph (graph-level) ESOL Graph (graph-level) FREESOLV Graph (graph-level) LIPO Graph (graph-level) PCBA Graph (graph-level) MUV Graph (graph-level) BACE Graph (graph-level) BBBP Graph (graph-level) TOX21 Graph (graph-level) TOXCAST Graph (graph-level) SIDER Graph (graph-level) CLINTOX Graph (graph-level) graph_multi_domain_mol Graph (graph-level) graph_multi_domain_small Graph (graph-level) graph_multi_domain_biochem Graph (graph-level) cikmcup Graph (graph-level) toy Tabular synthetic Tabular quadratic Tabular ``${DNAME}openml`` Tabular vertical_fl_data Tabular(vertical) VFLMovieLens1M Recommendation VFLMovieLens10M Recommendation HFLMovieLens1M Recommendation HFLMovieLens10M Recommendation VFLNetflix Recommendation HFLNetflix Recommendation ================================== =========================== """ # Fix the seed for data generation setup_seed(12345) for func in register.data_dict.values(): data_and_config = func(config, client_cfgs) if data_and_config is not None: return data_and_config # Load dataset from source files dataset, modified_config = load_dataset(config, client_cfgs) # Apply translator to non-FL dataset to transform it into its federated # counterpart if dataset is not None: translator = getattr(import_module(''), DATA_TRANS_MAP[])( modified_config, client_cfgs) data = translator(dataset) # Convert `StandaloneDataDict` to `ClientData` when in distribute mode data = convert_data_mode(data, modified_config) else: data = None # Restore the user-specified seed after the data generation setup_seed(config.seed) return data, modified_config