Source code for federatedscope.core.aggregators.clients_avg_aggregator

import os
import torch
from federatedscope.core.aggregators import Aggregator
from federatedscope.core.auxiliaries.utils import param2tensor

[docs]class ClientsAvgAggregator(Aggregator): """ Implementation of vanilla FedAvg refer to 'Communication-efficient \ learning of deep networks from decentralized data' [McMahan et al., 2017] \ """ def __init__(self, model=None, device='cpu', config=None): super(Aggregator, self).__init__() self.model = model self.device = device self.cfg = config
[docs] def aggregate(self, agg_info): """ To preform aggregation Arguments: agg_info (dict): the feedbacks from clients Returns: dict: the aggregated results """ models = agg_info["client_feedback"] recover_fun = agg_info['recover_fun'] if ( 'recover_fun' in agg_info and self.cfg.federate.use_ss) else None avg_model = self._para_weighted_avg(models, recover_fun=recover_fun) return avg_model
[docs] def update(self, model_parameters): """ Arguments: model_parameters (dict): PyTorch Module object's state_dict. """ self.model.load_state_dict(model_parameters, strict=False)
def save_model(self, path, cur_round=-1): assert self.model is not None ckpt = {'cur_round': cur_round, 'model': self.model.state_dict()}, path) def load_model(self, path): assert self.model is not None if os.path.exists(path): ckpt = torch.load(path, map_location=self.device) self.model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model']) return ckpt['cur_round'] else: raise ValueError("The file {} does NOT exist".format(path)) def _para_weighted_avg(self, models, recover_fun=None): """ Calculates the weighted average of models. """ training_set_size = 0 for i in range(len(models)): sample_size, _ = models[i] training_set_size += sample_size sample_size, avg_model = models[0] for key in avg_model: for i in range(len(models)): local_sample_size, local_model = models[i] if self.cfg.federate.ignore_weight: weight = 1.0 / len(models) elif self.cfg.federate.use_ss: # When using secret sharing, what the server receives # are sample_size * model_para weight = 1.0 else: weight = local_sample_size / training_set_size if not self.cfg.federate.use_ss: local_model[key] = param2tensor(local_model[key]) if i == 0: avg_model[key] = local_model[key] * weight else: avg_model[key] += local_model[key] * weight if self.cfg.federate.use_ss and recover_fun: avg_model[key] = recover_fun(avg_model[key]) # When using secret sharing, what the server receives are # sample_size * model_para avg_model[key] /= training_set_size avg_model[key] = torch.FloatTensor(avg_model[key]) return avg_model
[docs]class OnlineClientsAvgAggregator(ClientsAvgAggregator): """ Implementation of online aggregation of FedAvg. """ def __init__(self, model=None, device='cpu', src_device='cpu', config=None): super(OnlineClientsAvgAggregator, self).__init__(model, device, config) self.src_device = src_device
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the state of the model to its initial state """ self.maintained = self.model.state_dict() for key in self.maintained: self.maintained[key].data = torch.zeros_like( self.maintained[key], device=self.src_device) self.cnt = 0
[docs] def inc(self, content): """ Increment the model weight by the given content. """ if isinstance(content, tuple): sample_size, model_params = content for key in self.maintained: # if model_params[key].device != self.maintained[key].device: # model_params[key].to(self.maintained[key].device) self.maintained[key] = (self.cnt * self.maintained[key] + sample_size * model_params[key]) / ( self.cnt + sample_size) self.cnt += sample_size else: raise TypeError( "{} is not a tuple (sample_size, model_para)".format(content))
[docs] def aggregate(self, agg_info): """ Returns the aggregated value """ return self.maintained