import copy
import torch
from federatedscope.core.aggregators import ClientsAvgAggregator
[docs]class BulyanAggregator(ClientsAvgAggregator):
Implementation of Bulyan refers to `The Hidden Vulnerability
of Distributed Learning in Byzantium`
[Mhamdi et al., 2018]
It combines the MultiKrum aggregator and the treamedmean aggregator
def __init__(self, model=None, device='cpu', config=None):
super(BulyanAggregator, self).__init__(model, device, config)
self.byzantine_node_num = config.aggregator.byzantine_node_num
self.sample_client_rate = config.federate.sample_client_rate
assert 4 * self.byzantine_node_num + 3 <= config.federate.client_num
[docs] def aggregate(self, agg_info):
To preform aggregation with Median aggregation rule
agg_info (dict): the feedbacks from clients
:returns: the aggregated results
:rtype: dict
models = agg_info["client_feedback"]
avg_model = self._aggre_with_bulyan(models)
updated_model = copy.deepcopy(avg_model)
init_model = self.model.state_dict()
for key in avg_model:
updated_model[key] = init_model[key] + avg_model[key]
return updated_model
def _calculate_distance(self, model_a, model_b):
Calculate the Euclidean distance between two given model para delta
distance = 0.0
for key in model_a:
if isinstance(model_a[key], torch.Tensor):
model_a[key] = model_a[key].float()
model_b[key] = model_b[key].float()
model_a[key] = torch.FloatTensor(model_a[key])
model_b[key] = torch.FloatTensor(model_b[key])
distance += torch.dist(model_a[key], model_b[key], p=2)
return distance
def _calculate_score(self, models):
Calculate Krum scores
model_num = len(models)
closest_num = model_num - self.byzantine_node_num - 2
distance_matrix = torch.zeros(model_num, model_num)
for index_a in range(model_num):
for index_b in range(index_a, model_num):
if index_a == index_b:
distance_matrix[index_a, index_b] = float('inf')
distance_matrix[index_a, index_b] = distance_matrix[
index_b, index_a] = self._calculate_distance(
models[index_a], models[index_b])
sorted_distance = torch.sort(distance_matrix)[0]
krum_scores = torch.sum(sorted_distance[:, :closest_num], axis=-1)
return krum_scores
def _aggre_with_bulyan(self, models):
Apply MultiKrum to select \theta (\theta <= client_num-
2*self.byzantine_node_num) local models
init_model = self.model.state_dict()
global_update = copy.deepcopy(init_model)
models_para = [each_model[1] for each_model in models]
krum_scores = self._calculate_score(models_para)
index_order = torch.sort(krum_scores)[1].numpy()
reliable_models = list()
for number, index in enumerate(index_order):
if number < len(models) - int(
2 * self.sample_client_rate * self.byzantine_node_num):
Sort parameter for each coordinate of the rest \theta reliable
local models, and find \gamma (gamma<\theta-2*self.byzantine_num)
parameters closest to the median to perform averaging
exluded_num = int(self.sample_client_rate * self.byzantine_node_num)
gamma = len(reliable_models) - 2 * exluded_num
for key in init_model:
temp = torch.stack(
[each_model[1][key] for each_model in reliable_models], 0)
pos_largest, _ = torch.topk(temp, exluded_num, 0)
neg_smallest, _ = torch.topk(-temp, exluded_num, 0)
new_stacked =[temp, -pos_largest,
new_stacked /= gamma
global_update[key] = new_stacked
return global_update