Source code for federatedscope.attack.privacy_attacks.GAN_based_attack

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from copy import deepcopy
from federatedscope.attack.auxiliary.utils import get_generator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class GANCRA(): ''' The implementation of GAN based class representative attack. References: Hitaj, Briland, Giuseppe Ateniese, and Fernando Perez-Cruz. "Deep models under the GAN: information leakage from collaborative deep learning." Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications security. 2017. Args: - target_label_ind (int): the label index whose representative - fl_model (object): - device (str or int): the device to run; 'cpu' or the device index to select; default: 'cpu'. - dataset_name (str): the dataset name; default: None - noise_dim (int): the dimension of the noise that fed into the generator; default: 100 - batch_size (int): the number of data generated into training; default: 16 - generator_train_epoch (int): the number of training steps when training the generator; default: 10 - lr (float): the learning rate of the generator training; default: 0.001 - sav_pth (str): the path to save the generated data; default: 'data/' - round_num (int): the FL round that starting the attack; default: -1. ''' def __init__(self, target_label_ind, fl_model, device='cpu', dataset_name=None, noise_dim=100, batch_size=16, generator_train_epoch=10, lr=0.001, sav_pth='data/', round_num=-1): # get dataset's corresponding generator self.generator = get_generator(dataset_name=dataset_name)().to(device) self.target_label_ind = target_label_ind self.discriminator = deepcopy(fl_model) self.generator_loss_fun = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.generator_train_epoch = generator_train_epoch # the dimension of the noise input to generator self.noise_dim = noise_dim self.batch_size = batch_size self.device = device # define generator optimizer self.generator_optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( params=self.generator.parameters(), lr=lr) self.sav_pth = sav_pth self.round_num = round_num self.generator_loss_summary = []
[docs] def update_discriminator(self, model): ''' Copy the model of the server as the discriminator Args: model (object): the model in the server Returns: the discriminator ''' self.discriminator = deepcopy(model)
def discriminator_loss(self): pass
[docs] def generator_loss(self, discriminator_output): ''' Get the generator loss based on the discriminator's output Args: discriminator_output (Tensor): the discriminator's output; size: batch_size * n_class Returns: generator_loss ''' self.num_class = discriminator_output.size()[1] ideal_results = self.target_label_ind * torch.ones( discriminator_output.size()[0], dtype=torch.long) # ideal_results[:] = self.target_label_ind return self.generator_loss_fun(discriminator_output,
def _gradient_closure(self, noise): def closure(): generated_images = self.generator(noise) discriminator_output = self.discriminator(generated_images) generator_loss = self.generator_loss(discriminator_output) generator_loss.backward() return generator_loss return closure def generator_train(self): for _ in range(self.generator_train_epoch): self.generator.zero_grad() self.generator_optimizer.zero_grad() noise = torch.randn(size=(self.batch_size, self.noise_dim)).to( torch.device(self.device)) closure = self._gradient_closure(noise) tmp_loss = self.generator_optimizer.step(closure) self.generator_loss_summary.append( tmp_loss.detach().to('cpu').numpy()) def generate_fake_data(self, data_num=None): if data_num is None: data_num = self.batch_size noise = torch.randn(size=(data_num, self.noise_dim)).to( torch.device(self.device)) generated_images = self.generator(noise) generated_label = torch.zeros(self.batch_size, dtype=torch.long).to( torch.device(self.device)) if self.target_label_ind + 1 > self.num_class - 1: generated_label[:] = self.target_label_ind - 1 else: generated_label[:] = self.target_label_ind + 1 return generated_images.detach(), generated_label.detach() def sav_image(self, generated_data): ind = min(generated_data.shape[0], 16) for i in range(ind): plt.subplot(4, 4, i + 1) plt.imshow(generated_data[i, 0, :, :] * 127.5 + 127.5, cmap='gray') # plt.imshow(generated_data[i, 0, :, :] , cmap='gray') # plt.imshow() plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(self.sav_pth + '/' + 'image_round_{}.png'.format(self.round_num)) plt.close() def sav_plot_gan_loss(self): plt.plot(self.generator_loss_summary) plt.savefig(self.sav_pth + '/' + 'generator_loss_round_{}.png'.format(self.round_num)) plt.close()
[docs] def generate_and_save_images(self): ''' Save the generated data and the generator training loss ''' generated_data, _ = self.generate_fake_data() generated_data = generated_data.detach().to('cpu') self.sav_image(generated_data) self.sav_plot_gan_loss()